The Southwest Suburban Championship 2025 (TSSC25)
Martial Arts tournament out of the Southwest Suburban Chicago Area that aims to bring together diverse disciplines and skill levels for a day of competition, camaraderie, and celebration of the martial arts culture.
TSSC25 Event Details
Event Sponsors
Thank you to our event sponsors for supporting our Martial Arts Community.
Rules and Regulations
Sparring Rules
All 6 years and under divisions and the novice level under 10 years old will compete in 1 point sparring. For 7-10 yrs, Intermediate and advance ,and all the remaining divisions will be a continuous sparring. All competitors will compete twice unless it is a 2 person bracket.
Point sparring will consist of 1 point awarded for a clean strike to the hip region and above.The leg,groin,face,and back of the head along with elbows,knees,and headbutts are cautionary blow.1 caution are issued and then 1 point will be awarded to the opponent for each violation thereafter.Running out of bounds and inappropriate behavior will result a caution protocol.
Matches will be awarded to the first competitor to score four points in the preliminary and consolation rounds or first to score five points in the first and third place matches. Maximum time limit of two minutes per match.
Equipment will consist of: Mouth piece, Headgear, Hand Feet and Shin Protection. Groin protection is mandatory for all boys. Face, Knees, Arm, and Groin protection for girls is optional. Athletic attire or school uniform will be worn
Continuous Sparring Rules
For intermediate and advanced divisions ages 7-10 years old. All divisions for 11 years old and up will be continuous.
Continuous matches will be 2-3 rounds of light contact for 45 seconds for all competitors under 10 years old. For all competitors 11 years old and up, 2-3 rounds of medium contact for 60 seconds each round. The second and third round (if needed) will start after the judges relay their score to scorekeepers then rotate scoring positions. The fighter with the most points for a round is declared the winner of the round. The first competitor to win two rounds will be declared the winner. The Head Referee declares the winner of the round if a round ends in a tie. 1st and 3rd place matches are mandatory 3 rounds with total points determining the winner of the bout.
Mandatory Equipment: Headgear (face protection optional), foot and shin guards, mouthpiece and groin cup for male competitors. Knees, Arm, Chest and Groin protection for females is optional. Minimum glove sizes are as follows: 6oz. for Competitor under 8 years old, 8 oz. for Competitor under 12 years old, 10 oz?. for Competitor 10 years old and above.
Forms Rules
The TSSC will have an open format, this will include various styles of martial arts competing for awards. Competitors are required to wear athletic attire or their official martial arts uniform and their current belt or sash.
Forms can be traditional or custom, and all forms are open hand. No weapon forms at this time.
We will be looking for participating schools to provide at least one judge. Please choose an upper-level belt someone with good judgement in Form execution.
Competitors will be split up by age and experience. TSSC25’s goal is no more than eight competitors per group.
Division and Rank
6 and under: Novice and Intermediate
7-8 Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
9-10 Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
11-12 Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
13-14 Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
15-17 Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
18-32 Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
50 and Over: Advanced
Point Sparring: All 6 and under. 7 through 10 Novice.